Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Independence Day. We have been keeping very busy in the kitchen. Here is the current cake schedule:

Booked through 7/12/19
Fully book the last weekend in July and fully booked the first weekend in August.
Late September and early October will have limited availability due to family events and vacation so please do inquire about cakes during those months ASAP!

… call, text or message us on Facebook today to start planning your next custom cake!

Graduation Season is here …

This is the first of many graduation treats to come in the next few weeks!
Congrats to Tristan on her awesome accomplishment, Master of Social Work degree from ASU.

Forks up Devils!

ASU Graduation Cake

Current Schedule Update August 2018-October 2018

Hidden Gem Cakes is now fully booked through August 21st.

I have just one opening at this time for the final weekend in August.

I have limited availability during the month of September and am fully booked for the last weekend in October and the first weekend in November for events.

Please follow my Facebook page here for recent cake photos, schedule updates and more.

Thank you to all of my incredible customers, new and old, for keeping me so happily busy!

Hidden Gem Cakes

Toy Story Inspired Cake

cake pops and cupcakes phoenix

Congrats 2018 Grads! Father’s Day specials and schedule updates …

We are currently booked for all Fridays-Sunday weekends in June until June 17th.
I have one opening for June 22nd or 23rd at this time.

Please call or text today if you will need a custom cake, cake pops or cupcakes. We will be out of town for the 4th of July holiday but I am taking requests for treats to be picked up on July 2nd & 3rd  – if you need some 4th of July treats, call me today!

I will also be offering a Father’s Day cake special similar to the one we did on Mothers Day.
Details will be posted soon!

Visit Hidden Gem Cakes Facebook page for all schedule updates and specials!

Finally, congratulations to all of the 2018 graduates! Here are a couple of orders I have finished so far (there are more to come) for some high school grads, including my cousin who is headed to ASU in the Fall!




Grad cake for a future Sun Devil

High School Grad Cupcakes

High School graduation cupcakes

Graduation Cupcakes


Happy New Year! Schedule update & Special offers …

We are currently booked through January 15th 2018. Now taking orders for the rest of January & into February & March.

Hidden Gem Cakes would love to build our event and wedding portfolio, and we are offering specials on all wedding cakes booked in February and March for weddings between April 2018 and December 2018. The special includes free delivery and set up on all weddings* to venues within 30 miles of our location in Anthem, and special pricing on all buttercream wedding cakes. Please contact us today for more details! Space is limited.

480-395-3593 –  texting is the fastest way to receive a reply & get booked!

Happy New Year from Hidden Gem

Visit and like us on facebook 


wedding cakes phoenix


Custom cakes in Phoenix

At Hidden Gem Cakes in North Phoenix, we can make any custom cake your heart desires! This makeup cake is super trendy right now. It can be customized with any colors you like and made in several shapes and sizes.
Give Sarah a call today to place an order for a one-of-a-kind cake  🙂

makeup cake

Glittery “feelin 22” Cake!

Cute little 22nd birthday cake we did as a last minute order based on the lyric “I’m feelin 22” in the song by Taylor Swift.

Call or text Hidden Gem cakes for your last minute custom cake orders. Sarah is happy to take your last minute cake order whenever it is possible and without charging outrageous rush fees!

Custom cake phoenix feelin22cake north phoenix bakery22cake

